Thursday 31 January 2008

Meeting Tuesday 31st Jan 2008

Attending: Jessica, Eva, Christina

Done from last meeting:
Jessica: Continued tweaking Little Owl’s house and started environment around. Modelled and UV mapped sun roof terrace, little owl textures, modelled and UV mapped KFC, modelled and UV mapped random house. Modelled and UV mapped street assets. Tweaking props received.
Eva: Continued modelling robots, only one and half left. Spent learning time with Jamie on UV mapping. Completed February schedule.
Christina: Finished pigeon 2. Started Mother owl’s UV’s but am re-starting.

Progress with tasks at the moment:
Jessica: Modelling London environments and assets.
Dave: Rigging and weighting little owl.
Eva: Modelling robots.
Christina: UV mapping mother owl so that blendshapes can be done.
Ben: Modelling a Volkswagen van.

Tasks until next meeting Tuesday 5th Feb 2008:
Jessica: Continue modelling London exterior and props + UV map it.
Eva: Finished Robots and one or two kitchen props.
Christina: Mother owl UV’s. February schedule.

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